If I Were Your Guest
If I were your guest, and stayed within your roof and wall, what chambers of your heart would I find? What loves within your soul would call, beckoning, from the porch-light of your mind?
What chambers of your heart would I find? What would be your cornerstone? Beckoning, from the porch-light of your mind, would I find warm welcome-light? Would I be left alone?
What would be your cornerstone, the animating light within? Would I find warm welcome-light? Would I be left alone? Would I see in you a glimpse of Him?
That animating Light within, that Lamp kept lit for every stranger – would I see in you such glimpse of Him? Or would you hide your lamp, for fear of danger?
That Lamp kept lit for every stranger burns ever in His halls above; would you hide your lamp for fear of danger, when He never dims His light of love?
Burning ever in His halls above – what love! Would my soul within call out to share His never-dimming light of love were I your guest, staying within your roof and wall?