Lost And Found

A(n) Ballad-ish
Part of NovPAD 2024

Long before the world was made, in the time ‘ere time was wrought before the land on seas were laid, there was union in love and thought.

Before the world, the Trinity shared all, and nothing hid; the Father, Spirit, Son, all three were one in all they ever did, and together in all they said.

When first they split the day from night, spurring the canter of hours, and decanted sea from land, and light from dark, and all the blooming flowers;

when first they drew these lines, defined one thing apart from other, the Triune One worked of one mind, and in order, o’er chaos hovered.

Then planting there a garden green, God rooted a thriving wood, a place of health and peace serene, and, nurturing all growing things, He called Their garden good.

“Let us,” They said, “make humankind, to wear the image of us”, and with these words, all of one mind, They formed man from the dust.

They shaped the form of man from dust, and into him breathed life, and gave him, in the garden, trust and honesty, and life robust, but never gave him strife.

Men found strife by their own accord when, doubting God’s provision, they deemed themselves a better lord, and grasped the fruit whose seed, discord, took root, and grew division.

And when the Lord, who made the man, came seeking for them next, they sought to hide, and shameful ran and hid with blame, and closed their chests, and thus concealment began.

From age to age even still, we, save only by the Savior’s cross, no longer wear His honest unity, but conceal by shame our imago dei, burying gold in dross.