We thought he was god, but he died (pt 1)

(see We Thought He Was Dead, But He Was God for its symmetrical pair)

We thought he was God, but he died. We all saw the spearpoint go into his side. How could God, who made life, be murdered? Why didn’t he smite the Pharisees who lied? How could the judge over all be so unjustly tried?

We thought he was God, but he died.

He should have worn David’s crown, not a twisting of thorns. We would have marched with him, had he sounded the horn! But he breathed out his last, condemned, the target of scorn

Are we all next? Will we be killed too if we mourn?

Are we alone? Does God hear? Were the Pharisees right? Was he false all along? Surely the Messiah would conquer His foes, and make Israel strong! Will God now condemn us, if our “god-man” was wrong?

Did we read the signs wrong?

What happened up there on the mountainside Where a few of us saw Him seem glorified with Moses and Elijah serving him at each side?

Simon saw it too, and then Simon denied.

Simon who loved him, who was first to draw his sword when the horde came to the garden to arrest Him, our Lord; this Simon denied him, hid, tried to be ignored. This Simon denied the man he once claimed he adored.

We all loved him. We all followed him. We left everything behind, until the tomb swallowed him.

What can we do now but mourn, and fear, and hide?

We thought he was God, but he died.