We thought he was god, but he died (pt 2)

(see We Thought He Was God, But He Died for its symmetrical pair)

We thought He was dead, but He was God!  We’ve touched His hands, and seen His side.  How could God, who made life, be murdered?  No man could force God’s Lamb to the slaughter;  divine humility, not human pride! 

They thought they’d killed Him, but He chose death instead! 

He chose the crown of thorns they forced on His head;  He chose to lead the way as a “first-born from the dead”!  He chose to be slain, to heal us as He bled. 

He went first so we could be next, raised with Him from the dead. 

He was God here with us! Heaven’s silence was broken,  by a word – no, a man, who was God’s Word spoken!  The Messiah came at last, not for war, but to save  us from God’s condemnation, by going as man to the grave. 

The signs were all true! 

Didn’t our hearts burn within us, when we met Him on the road,  And piece by piece He explained how all of history foretold   His story: Moses, Elijah, all threads God has sewed? 

We saw him, each of us with our own eyes;  How could this timeless all-ruling God have died? 

And Simon - this Simon, who once called him “Lord”,  Who fought to save Him, as though His keeper, not His ward,  This Simon who denied and hid? Yes, even he is restored! 

How can we not love Him? How can we not follow Him?  How can we not tell how no evil could swallow Him?  What can we do now but make Him known abroad? 

We thought He was dead, but He was God!